Not going to lie, I was not expecting much when I first put this movie on......BUT then it struck me with cinematic beauty. The way some scenes are shot are just perfection, the director for this movie has quite an EYE for perfect shots in scenes, pun is intended. You will understand when you watch the movie because I will not ruin it for you. I highly recommend this movie, I was shocked at how much I loved this film. I was weary on it being in Spanish at first because my Spanish is that of high school level but luckily you do get English subtitles. The music blew me away, I loved how it set the tone for the horrific forthcomings for these characters that we are introduced to, one by one.
First, we are introduced to the projectionist's daughter who takes over, urging her father to go home due to his long shifts that have been causing his health to decline. She calls him a taxi and he goes home, leaving the responsibility of the movie theater to her. She knows the ins and outs of the theater so she is not worried, so she studies while the movie plays. Then we are introduced to the kids who were trying to sneak into the horror film, all but one leave the theater. The one boy, Tomas stays behind, feeling brave enough to stay behind and eat a candy bar that he found on the floor. Uhhh.....ewwww but anyway...
Then we have a couple who meet up at the theater, seeming like it is their first date, she has one thing on her mind and he is really truly there to watch the movie. He seems to go to the movies a lot, not knowing what the movie is usually for he likes the excitement of not knowing. She is there primarily to get lucky, so she really does not care about the movie at all. Then comes the three friends, drinking vodka outside of the theater, I guess in need of some liquid courage to watch a poorly made horror film about Frankenstein. Which funny enough was previously made by the director himself who directed this film. What went wrong I will never know for poor Frankenstein.
The three friends, Esteban, Goni and Angela all go into the theater, feeling pretty good after drinking that vodka, making some noise while finding their seats in the dark. The older man who apparently watches the movie over and over, complains about their disruptions then leaves. One of the friends from the trio, Goni talks about a girl who he calls Brooke Shields (I did not see it?) who was on the same bus as them on their way to the theater. He lusts after her and wishes that he would have said something, yet by some miracle, wouldn't you know, she walks into the theater. He stares, debating whether or not to talk to her, he eventually makes a move.
There's also the usher Mauricio who loves bothering the projectionist's daughter, Ana who clearly does not want to be bothered. He threatens her that if she does not talk to him, he will be even more annoying? If that's not the best way to make a friend, I don't know what is. So they show the characters as if they are all separate stories at first, which I liked, because it gave a little character development for each one.
I will say that the kills were executed very nicely and there's one particular kill where the camera angle just made it feel so personal. You could see the sweat, the blood, it was shot in a very almost POV way but not quite. And the way the knife was dragging down the body, you didn't know where the knife was going to go, loved the suspense. There were some cheesy moments and of course at times, you will think to yourself, why aren't you running!!! And at times you will be like, why is this happening but overall I very much enjoyed this film. I also liked the implication that was at the end, maybe I will only see it but they did kind of make it quite obvious for a possible sequel? I guess we will just have to SEE.....