So Scream 3 is not everyone's cup of tea, it's not everyone's favorite flavor of coffee but to me, I do feel there are some elements that make this sequel hold fairly strong. Are there some hokey moments? Yes there is but Sidney still holds up as our iconic final girl, who is dealing with being forced to face demons that she didn't even know existed. With this one I focus far more on the story between Roman and Sidney, who are both coming to terms with mother. I really do like that they tied the story in with Maureen and her having secrets in her past because before this, all we knew was that she was no Sharon Stone having affairs with men that led to her brutal death that only we can imagine is brutal. Roman is butt hurt because mommy dearest left him behind, but can we really blame him for the rage? I mean, he didn't have to go on a killing spree to get his long lost sister's attention but it definitely got them together in the same room to have the best brother sister fight at the end.
So I'll start off with the throw away characters might as well say it but they are. I do like that they are on set of Stab 3 but it is quite hokey I am not going to lie. Sarah Darling is IN FACT in danger when she gets chased holding a fake knife thinking that'll protect her (Have you seen Ghostface in action Sarah?....not going to cut it) She has an interesting conversation, or more so just complaining about her character in the Stab 3 film to what she believes is "Roman" (haha we already know it IS him) and she gets thrown into a window and then stabbed, dangling like a Christmas ornament that we leave in the back of the tree because it's not as pretty as the other ornaments. Onto the next throw away character....
Let's briefly chat about Tom Prinze because he only requires a brief summary. He plays as Dewey in the Stab 3 film and he is a complete dick to Angelina, picking on her like he's a high school boy who has a crush. He gets a pretty absurd death too, but I will say I do like the build up that leads to his death. I like that we don't know what's about to happen and if we thought about it even more closely, we would realize that it was actually such a Roman Bridger thing to do because he is in fact a director......he directs. The house blows up and so does Tom in such a CGI kind of way as the rest of the characters tumble down the hill. Gale gets up, has a close call with ghostface who only wanted to present to her another picture of Maureen. I love the moment that Gale and Dewey have when Dewey shoots at ghostface, escaping like some ninja in the night. The look they give each other and then Jennifer just ruins it as they're about to rekindle their old flame.
Jennifer Jolie is said to be a play on Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, how funny is that knowing the circumstances? I mean Jennifer is very conflicted throughout this film so I could see it. I do love the dynamic between Gale and Jennifer though. They act like they hate each other but really I feel like they are almost the same person in two bodies, only Gale is the dominant part for sure. The scene in the basement when they decide to team up because Gale has no choice, Jennifer just invites herself but actually is an asset with her nifty handy dandy sunset studios access card. We also get to see the best cameo, the late great Carrie Fischer (ha still can't get over Judy Gurgenstern) who makes a joke at herself, saying she was up for the part of Princess Leia, but who gets it? The one who sleeps with George Lucas, that was classic. Jennifer's death still baffles me a bit though, how was she dead when Dewey was shooting at the mirrors, only to show her alive just seconds before? Did Dewey accidentally shoot Jennifer? Where the hell did Roman go after he killed her? It looked like there was nowhere to go unless there's a trap door? These questions haunt me I swear, but we will never know because Jennifer said she was the killer in Stab 3, she thought that'd save her. Poor Jennifer. Roman still pretends you were the best he ever had.
So not much to say about Steven Stone, Jennifer's bodyguard, played by the incredible actor Patrick Warburton who should have his voice used for EVERYTHING. I didn't care much for his character though, how he treated Dewey rubbed me the wrong way. I'm actually kind of glad he got whopped in the head with a frying pan. Serves you right Mr. Stone. Dewey still showed empathy when Stone was struggling to walk up the house, bloody and most likely dizzy from the frying pan incident. He kept pointing to his phone, almost as if to try to tell them that the killer called him, but he was choking on his own blood and fell to the ground before making any sense.
Now we have Tyson Fox who played Ricky who works at the video store, paying homage to Randy when clearly they just named him Ricky to be exactly like Randy, which I think was the joke. Tyson didn't have much to give for the story or the plot, he was just the guy who gets stabbed, then thrown off the balcony, kind of like CiCi in Scream 2 only she didn't do a front flip as the rug was yanked from under him.....OUCH.
Angelina Tyler has a little more to give but not much but I will say she was memorable in the bathroom scene, which was a playback to the first movie when Sidney was attacked. Sidney Chuck Norris kicks the bathroom door, revealing Angelina with Stab 3 merchandise in her hands, dropping it as she is startled. The moment they have when Angelina tells Sidney that she wanted to make her proud and that she wished it would have worked out, I felt that moment deep, to me it was heartfelt, but also perhaps a ploy to get Sidney to go after her when she "drops" her hair brush. That scene when Sidney walks on set and sees "Woodsboro", it's quite intense when she sits on her bed, hearing the voice of Billy as she replies with "Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship". You see that it's coming back to her, but then interrupted when she is being stalked by ghostface. I love the chase scene with Sidney and ghostface, watching her outsmart him only for him to mind f**k her with her own mother's voice, luring her into the bedroom that was replicated as Maureen's death scene. Roman haunting Sidney with their mother is just a whole other level. It is also implicated that perhaps Angelina was the silent partner of Roman and I think that when Roman was done with Angelina's assistance he killed her himself. The look on her face was not really shock but more so betrayal if you ask me, OR it was staged because Roman has faked his own death before and Angelina is an actress so she could easily stage her death. We will never know, the mystery will remain...
So I feel with Dewey in this one, he was underutilized but he did get some good lines in there and also leaves us with the sweetest proposal scene when he asks Gale to marry him. I love that he put it in the book she wrote and asks for her autograph, it was just so sweet. Definitely a Dewey touch and it feels raw with him admitting that he's really scared. Dewey Riley really was a brave man. Gale and Sidney's relationship in this one gets better, they were able to awkward hug in this one at least, at least she's not the one who gets punched in this one, it's Jennifer and her lawyer liked it?
I could rant on and on about this one because believe it or not, I think this one and Scream 2 were the ones I have watched the most. I had my parents buy this movie on Pay Per View yes Pay Per View when it first came out and I watched it til the VHS was worn out. I speak some of the lines along with the characters at times and still feel the sense of calm when at the end Sidney just swings those gates open to show her fear is no longer present.
My favorite scene by far is the scene with Roman unveiling himself to Sidney as the killer and tells her the story of Rena Reynolds AKA Maureen Prescott. The fight scene between them is exciting and that very moment when Sidney has the upper hand, stabbing him right in the heart. She holds his hand and he squeezes it as he slips away, it's a powerful moment to me, it shows the strength in Sidney, the empathy even after knowing who Roman was. It had to be conflicting for her because she finds out that she has a brother but then she has to decide that he has to die, it speaks volumes. At the very end, it is still unclear but I feel like it's a scene that you can have your own outlook on, when Sidney decides not to lock her house and the door opens by itself. I feel like it could be two things, one, it could be that she no longer feels afraid that she feels like it is finally over, or two, it will sound outlandish but that Maureen's spirit is showing her presence to Sidney, that she will always be there for her. I know the second one is a little out there but it's just a personal opinion. So it concludes with Detective Kincaid which I didn't really talk about. I kind of feel like he is useless for the most part but I do feel the slight chemistry between Sidney and him. I do like the scene when he asks her about Maureen but nothing is really said because it is to merely convey the fact that Sidney didn't know much about her mother.
They conclude with Kincaid telling Sidney that they're going to watch a movie, which I have heard was going to be more videos of Randy but it is never specified or shown. Who also loves that Randy appears in this as a video to again have him reprise the rules but this time as a trilogy. To also reveal that he broke his own rule by sleeping with creepy Kare, as said by Dewey. This third installment is not the best, it has its flaws but overall I still enjoy it and if I have to call it a guilty pleasure movie then so be it. Because remember, if you smell gas............